Anorico Family

6:03 PM

Hello, everyone! I am definitely back in the world of Blogging! Yey! Yes, it's true. And this time, I want to blog everything. Life of a Mother. Places we visit. Cooking. Random Thought. Advises for the Newbie Mom. Events. Fashion.

First of all, let me introduce myself. I'm May Ann Anorico from Philippines. I have two kids. The older is a boy. His name is Sam Daenel, you may call him Sam. He is now a pre-schooler at the age of 4-years-old. The bunso or baby sister is Madely Claire, you may call her Mady. She is now 2-years-old. Their age gap is two years. I guess it's an ideal age gap for siblings. And Lastly, my husband's name is Jan Michael. We are both Engineers. We are working at my Father's Business. So, it's a Family Business. Although it's not that related to our course. But I guess that's okay. So we can have flexible time and all we need is a Time Management. We don't have yaya so we take do care of our kids at the same time. It's very Challenging. But we Managed. And by the way, we are also doing Business in Direct Selling so in my blog I might also post some of our products that we sell as well :)

Everyone, here's our Family Picture

Happy Blogging!

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